
These extensions are useful for the work with Kiwa.

Console Extension

The console extension makes it easy to create new pages, to validate the config, to define the URL structure and a lot more.

Add the console extension with the help of Composer:

$ composer require kiwa/console

Source: BitBucket

Hyphenizer Extension

The Hyphenizer extension allows making use of the Hyphenizer API.

Add the Hyphenizer extension for PHP with the help of Composer:

$ composer require kiwa/hyphenizer

Add the supplementary Hyphenizer extension for JS with the help of Yarn or NPM:

$ yarn add kiwa-hyphenizer

Source: BitBucket (PHP) and BitBucket (JS)

Link Obfuscator Extension

The link obfuscator extension allows creating email and phone links with a maximum of security. The links will be encrypted and decrypted with the Rot47 algorithm.

Add the link obfuscator extension with the help of Composer:

$ composer require kiwa/link-obfuscator

Source: BitBucket

Sitemap Extension

The sitemap extension allows creating sitemap XML files. It will parse the whole website looking for pages, language versions and images.

Add the sitemap extension with the help of Composer:

$ composer require kiwa/sitemap

Source: BitBucket

Source Collection Extension

The Source Collection extension makes it easy to create HTML Picture and Video elements with multiple sources.

Add the Source Collection extension with the help of Composer:

$ composer require kiwa/source-collection

Source: BitBucket

Something missing

Are you missing something? Don't worry! Kiwa is open to all custom code you can imagine.

Add some dependencies with Composer, NPM or Yarn, or write your own custom code.

We are here to help

For sure, we can also help by writing some piece of code for you. |||yFDE+86E+%3A%3F+4%40%3FE24E%5D