Search engine optimization
Kiwa offers a lot of tools to help reach a high level of search engine optimisation. This page is about how to use them.
Table of contents
Meta Tags
The meta tags for each page can be defined in the main config file. For example:
->setDefaultRobots('index, follow')
->setDefaultViewport('width=device-width, initial-scale=1')
->setPageTitle('The page title')
->setOGTitle('The extended page title')
->setDescription('The description for this page.')
->setOGDescription('The extended description for this page.')
// More options are needed here but not important for this example.
In this example, the index.phtml
will be loaded. In this file, all the meta-tags can be accessed and printed be writing
use Kiwa\Templating\MetaTags;
echo new MetaTags();
The output will be:
<meta property="generator" content="Kiwa">
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta property="og:title" content="The extended page title">
<meta name="description" content="The description for this page.">
<meta property="og:description" content="The extended description for this page.">
<meta property="og:type" content="website">
<meta property="og:url" content="">
Manipulating the existing meta tags
All the information coming from the config file can be manipulated to a later point. This helps to handle dynamic pages as well.
To change the meta information, use the MetaTags
class with the static method add
use Kiwa\Templating\MetaTags;
MetaTags::add('og:title', 'The greatest website for the year ' . date('Y'));
Alternate links
When working with different languages, search engines prefer alternate links that help to understand which pages belong together. Kiwa handles these relations by its own.
The proper handle language version, you should route different pages to the same file:
// The english version
// More options are needed here but not important for this example.
// The german version
// More options are needed here but not important for this example.
In this example we defined two pages with the routes /imprint.html
and /impressum.html
that are using the same file imprint.phtml
. This helps Kiwa to understand that the two pages belong together.
All you need to do now is to print the link tags in your page header by calling
use Kiwa\Templating\AlternateLinks;
echo new AlternateLinks();
The output will be
<link rel="alternate" href="" hreflang="en">
<link rel="alternate" href="" hreflang="de">
Manipulating the existing alternate links
The existing information about the related pages is stored in the RelatedPages
class. They can be manipulated at any point and are needed to handle dynamic pages as well.
To manually set the alternate links, use the RelatedPages
class with the static method addPage
use Kiwa\Page\RelatedPages;
RelatedPages::addPage('fr', 'mentions-legales');
Canonical Tags
Kiwa provides a class to handle canonical tags. It will be used mostly to handle uppercase and lowercase URLs that request the same route.
The canonical tags can be accessed in the page header by calling:
use Kiwa\Templating\Canonicals;
echo new Canonicals();
This will result in:
<link rel="canonical" href="">
To manually define the canonical tags, use the Canonicals
class with the static method add
use Kiwa\Templating\Canonicals;